Losing Weight On Paleo

Losing Weight On Paleo

A diet or eating plan that could help you succeed in achieving sustained weight loss should be one that does not cause turmoil between mind & body but rather one that has your mind working in harmony with your body’s nutritional needs.

Losing Weight On Paleo

This is where the Paleo approach to weight loss is different as it’s not about starving your body into losing weight but rather about working with your body to get it to perform more efficiently by using the fuel (food) you ingest more effectively.

This 8-Week Meal Plan & Paleo Cookbook will help you follow a healthy, nutrient rich diet which could help you lose weight naturally & easily without restricting the amount of food you want to eat…

This is how a healthy Paleo styled diet should work…

5 Effective Ways You Could Lose Weight On Paleo

1. Eat Foods High In Fiber & Nutrients

Paleo Approved FoodsThe Paleo way of eating should provide your body with all the fiber & lovely nutrient rich foods such as;

  • meat (grass fed)
  • seafood
  • vegetables
  • healthy oils from avocados for example, etc.

By eating a Paleo diet you will find that you will consume a far higher nutrient dense diet than before & you will notice that the cravings, based on nutrient deficiencies, will diminish and could help you lose weight naturally, almost without even trying.

2. Food Reward & Addictive Foods

Non-Paleo Addictive FoodsYou could be struggling to stop eating addictive, weight gaining foods due to the food reward affect that some foods have on our brains.

This happens when eating foods that are neither satisfying nor very nutritional but foods that we crave for more which creates the cycle of causing us to binge & store the excess calories as fat.

Food reward is a situation that occurs where certain foods types trigger a process in the brain that reinforces your craving for that particular food thereby setting up the hormonal environment to expect more of this particular food making it very difficult for you not to eat more.

The obvious solution to this would be to stop eating the addictive foods, or eat flavorless food through a straw, which is easier said than done.

With the Paleo diet however, it is easier than just cutting all the “reward foods” out of your diet as you can eat as much Paleo type food as you like without necessarily putting on weight.

The reason for this is that Paleo food is satisfying & non-addictive, so once you’ve eating to satiety you won’t crave for more or want to binge.

To illustrate the above consider the following meal options…

  1. most of us would be able to consume a packet of tasty chips (and another) quite easily & still not feel satisfied
  2. but eat a plate of broccoli, avocado & eggs and I bet that you’ll feel full & not want more of anything.

The latter option would not only be far healthier for you, but also less fattening as opposed to the first which would encourage fat storage & weight gain.

Simple carbs & sugars are very addictive and could be the primary reason for weight gain, poor health & diabetes.

3. Make Sure To Eat Enough & Do Not Restrict Yourself

Most weight loss programs & diets are all about restricting your food intake.

Healthy Paleo Meal

This can deprive your body of essential nutrients & calories which it not only needs to function optimally, but without which it can cause undue stress which is unhealthy & can cause weight gain.

Also food deprivation can slow down your metabolism which is counter productive with weight loss.

So just remember that losing weight is not about restricting or starving yourself but rather about making the correct food choices.

One of the major benefits of losing weight with the Paleo diet is that it is more satiating per calorie than other diets.

This means that you naturally eat less as you feel satisfied after a nutritional meal without being left feeling hungry & wanting more.

So whilst you don’t want to restrict your nutrient & food intake, naturally eating less without conciously trying just has to be your magical ticket to weight loss.

What this means is that you can eat Paleo meals without worrying about counting calories whilst you will naturally eat less (and healthier) than you would on a typical modern day diet.

This is one of the key reasons why eating a Paleo diet could be your best choice to lose weight in a healthy, natural way or to improve your health & vitality than any of the popular diets out there.

4. Encourage Your Body To Burn Fat As Fuel

By reducing your carbohydrate intake to almost zero you will be reducing your body’s insulin production which will in turn encourage your metabolism to utilize your body’s fat stores as fuel & its energy source (instead of using carbs).

This type of fasting, or carbohydrate fasting, could also increase the level another fat-burning hormones such as growth hormone & adrenalin.

PS. To make it easier for you to prepare a variety of proper Paleo meals, I urge you to take a look at the
Paleo Recipe Book
which will provide you with over 350 delicious recipes that you can download to your iPad, iPhone or laptop to have at your fingertips…

…it contains more than 350 Paleo recipes, an 8-Week Meal Plan, a Paleo Troubleshooting guide (and more) and provides you with everything you’ll need…

5. Optimize Nutrient Partitioning For Weight Loss

Optimizing nutrient partitioning is about process of trying to ensure that the food you eat gets converted into muscle or energy rather than stored as fat……get this right & you may find the weight dropping off but get it wrong & you may struggle to lose weight no matter how much you exercise or eat less.

To ensure that each calorie you eat gets processed optimally, ie for muscle or energy, healthy levels of certain hormones such as insulin & leptin are required.

  • Whilst carbohydrates, especially simple carbs, are seen as foods that cause weight gain, a certain amount of carbohydrate (not simple carbs or sugars) consumption may help you lose weight faster than those on a low-carb diet even though you may think that avoiding all forms of carbohydrate would be the answer to effective weight loss.
  • Reducing inflammation in your body could also encourage nutrient partitioning optimization.Whilst inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury, ongoing inflammation caused by poor diet & other issues could create a hormonal environment that elevates hunger & impairs carbohydrate metabolism which results in binge eating with excess food being stored as fat.

This could help reduce inflammation…

  • Ensure that you are not sleep deprived – get a full night’s rest
  • Stress is something we all live with but managing it is important for your health & reducing inflammation in your system
  • Whilst exercise is important ensure you get adequate recovery & rest after exercise and heavy workouts.
  • Eat plenty of fish to ensure healthy levels of Omega-3 & Omega-6

A Last Word On the Paleo Diet & Weight Loss

Please remember that sustainable natural weight loss is not about starving your body into submission.

In fact this method of losing weight, without addressing your underlying metabolic problems & your body’s nutritional requirements, is often not only highly ineffective & unnecessarily stressful, but is not a healthy nor a long lasting solution.

The key to lasting weight loss & good health is often found in working with your body and not fighting against it, and by finding the nutritional diet that it performs best with – achieve this and you could find the weight melting away almost magically without having to ever restrict the amount of food you eat…

Need Some Help?

To ensure you don’t miss out on any of the possible health & natural weight loss benefits you could get from Paleo eating, I would encourage you to read this…

Essential Guide To the Paleo Diet

…which will help you avoid all the common pitfalls & help you structure your diet better.